Advent 2016

Amidst uncertainties, wars, famine and political unrest in many parts of the world, Advent ushers in a season filled with hope…

“This Advent, join Loyola Press for a special online Advent experience. Following a traditional Advent calendar format, the experience invites you to slow down this season and discover the quiet moments of Advent hope.

Authors and bloggers Vinita Hampton Wright, Joe Paprocki, Becky Eldredge, James Martin, SJ, and others share resources to nurture your spirituality at this busy time of year.”

You will find this year’s Advent Calendar from Loyola Press here

The forgotten art of Taking Sacred Pauses


The walis tingting (broomstick) is made from the dried midribs of coconut leaves. It is a common – if not necessary – cleaning tool in most Filipino homes. Swish, swish, swish, the sound of the walis tingting can be heard in the morning and then again in the afternoon as it is used to sweep the garden.

The image of the walis tingting resting against the trunk of a tree reminds us of the pauses in our lives. We clean, we work, we play. The moments in between each and every activity in our daily lives are invitations to take pauses – necessary pauses – to help us wind up from the previous activity and at the same time prepare for the next one. Continue reading “The forgotten art of Taking Sacred Pauses”